Thursday 1 May 2008

Sunday 20/04/2008 - Oceanview, Long Beach, Malibu and Santa Barbara.

Mileage - ~200 miles (via Oceanview, Long Beach, Malibu and Santa Barbara)

We woke up with hangovers for the first time this holiday as we drank quite a lot in the bar (called the G-spot or something). Amazingly the bill came to just $47 - it was the bar's 16th birthday so drinks were half price. How good is that! We drank loads and were really happy as they had the best barmaid on the planet ever and they played the same music as I have on my MP3 player. We had our best Motel yet despite only costing around $75.

This is a really nice bit of the world for the rich. Driving through Oceanside even the bums (tramps) look well kept! Saw more dog grooming and dog health food shops than burger bars. It's Barbie's paradise playground around here. Everyone is a fitness freak - I've never seen so many people cycling, jogging and skating in my life.

We stopped for lunch on Long Beach which was quite busy, but had nice beach-front houses, and made sandwiches for the first time for a change from eating junk. We headed back through Venice following the Pacific Highway (1 and 101) through Malibu (lots of very flash houses hidden away up the hillside and down on the beach) until we got to Santa Barbara (about 200 miles) where we are staying for the night. We've got a place even better than last night for 80 bucks.

The views along the coast are spectacular - only the more urban bits around LA are a bit crappy. Jaf and me could live here - no problem. You wouldn't need to go on holiday if you worked in LA as you simply drive to the coast every weekend and that's your weekly holiday.

We've just walked into a small bar with 32 TV screens. Santa Barbara is a really nice clean place with a bit of a vibe. It's pretty dead though as it's a Sunday night.

Highlights - Seeing how the other half lives from the Carmel Valley right up to Santa Barbara, making sandwiches on the beach amongst the beautiful people

Lowlights - A lot of stop start driving (they need more roundabouts here - too many traffic lights and stupid Stop signs). Tired - Jaf did the first shift driving and I fell asleep on a freeway section. I woke up and being on the right hand side I thought that I'd fallen asleep and the wheel - bit of a panic moment for me. Other lowlights - getting sand in our sandwiches, buying disgusting pickled-dills which tasted like plastic, sunburnt skin still peeling off our heads and arms..

Tomorrow - Continue on Coastal Road 1 through Santa Maria, Monterey and Santa Cruz.

Jaf and Andy.

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