Thursday 1 May 2008

Tuesday 22/04/2008 - Yosemite, Modesto

Mileage - ~240 (via Yosemite, Modesto)

Left Volta? this morning which was just outside of Los Banos (The Toilet). Didn't drink at all yesterday and we had a cheap night in with a Taco Bell take-away box (which was like eating cardboard filled with human waste). Jaf says it's the worst food he's ever eaten (including the grits at the waffle house). He's not eaten boiled dog like me though (actually that was more tasty). This evening I had some rubbish Jack-In-the-box burger and Jaf had Fajitas which he liked. McDonalds - all is forgiven. We had a load of Mexicans in the two rooms down from us having a bit of a party last night so now we know how everyone else feels when we get back from the bar and watch TV for hours.....

We drove over through the Sierra Nevada Mountains / woods - another great view with stunning roads until we got to Yosemite National Park. OK - I got my parks mixed-up, I thought we were going to Yellowstone park (you know - Yogi Bear, volcanic activity, etc) but when I checked on the map this is over 1500 miles from here. Still, this is a great place for a holiday if you like camping, hiking, cycling. We did what we could but it's a big place and we didn't even have time to get out of the Yosemite Valley. That said we saw some fantastic white water, huge trees breathtaking cliffs and a series of waterfalls (including one above another).

We're currently in a crappy town called Modesto (Stanislaus County - apparently a car-crime centre) which doesn't seem to have much to offer. We've booked into another chain motel which is fine. We did another 240 miles today which is a lot seeing as we spent about 6 hrs in the Park and had a late start.

Highlights - Yosemite, getting wet from the waterfalls, stunning views again, snow, seeing lots of birds, deer and squirrels, seeing bear-poo (it may have been human), fun driving roads (but po-lice everywhere).

Lowlights - Lots of intense walking, only seeing a fraction of what there was to see in the park, not that warm, not seeing Yogi Bear (or any bear or wild-cat for that matter), not seeing geysers and boiling mud, not seeing any references to Yosemite Sam, car is 3000 miles over it's planned service schedule and is making squealing noises (sounds like dry wheel bearings or something).

Tomorrow - Leaving early for San Francisco and hopefully a boat/bus tour of the sights.

Jaf and Andy.

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